Pantelleria. Architecture and UNESCO heritage landscape

Pantelleria. Architecture and UNESCO heritage landscape

The architecture of Pantelleria has unique features that make a stay on this island a real experience. The traditional house is the ‘dammuso’, a house with an Arabic style capable of being comfortable in the hot Mediterranean climate, warm in winter and cool in summer.

Today many ‘dammusi’ have been transformed into tourist residences by famous architects and it is possible to experience the feeling of living between the past and the future with a style that can only be found in Pantelleria.

The dammuso is a construction made of dry volcanic stones. It has large perimeter stone walls and a domed roof covered with white lime.

The interior was generally made up of 3 rooms: a central bedroom (living room / kitchen), a dressing room (traditionally reserved for children) and an alcove (double bedroom).

The dammuso has a variety of commodities, the houses have gardens surrounded by dry stone walls that can reach a height of 4 meters, in order to protect the crops from the wind, and cisterns for collecting rainwater.

The dry stone walls of the Mediterranean are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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