Viterbo. Poscia palace

Poscia palace is a typical example of medieval private architecture in Viterbo: a building characterized by an elegant profferlo in worked peperino. The profferlo is an external staircase that ends on a balcony where the entrance door to the house is located. In fact, the houses were all on the first floor while the ground floor was reserved for commercial spaces (or dedicated to animals) whose entrance was protected by the balcony itself.

The profferlo of Poscia palace dates back to the fourteenth century and a style with Cistercian influences is already recognized in the abbey of San Martino al Cimino.

It is said that the house belonged to several important people such as the Vico family, the Colonna family or the mercenary captain Paolo Braga. But the most beautiful legend is that which indicates it as the home of the beautiful Galiana, the girl whose sepulcher is located on the facade of the church of Sant’Angelo Spatha right in the main square of the municipality of Viterbo.

The history of Galiana is linked to that of Viterbo. Some legends narrate that Viterbo was founded by Noah, others by Noah, the fact is that the Viterbo people every year made human sacrifices on Easter day.

One year it was the turn of a young girl so beautiful, the beautiful Galiana, that a lion came out of the forest to go and save her. The young woman was then killed by her father so as not to save her from a Roman soldier who wanted her at all costs.


Written by:
Claudia Bettiol

Engineeer, futurist, joint founder of Energitismo and founder of Discoverplaces. Consultant for the development and promotion of the Touristic Development of Territories specialising in...

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