Lampedusa Island of Rabbits
Lampedusa Island of Rabbits

Lampedusa and the charm of the Caribbean beaches in the Mediterranean

When I got the news that my family and I would soon have to embark on a journey, I began to ask a thousand questions as only children discovering the world can do.
They said it was a surprise, but with my usual insistent behaviour I finally managed to discover the mysterious and long-awaited place ... Lampedusa was one of the most beautiful islands ever seen.
I heard so many people say they were there for a vacation and what I found was really fascinating. I heard about even more beautiful beaches than the famous Caribbean, one more beautiful than the other!!
In the days before our departure, I went to search for everything there was to find about Lampedusa.
In first position obviously were all the beaches and to after those the most traditional places. Maybe those special places where you can admire a beautiful view at sunset because, let's face it, an island like that should have had a breath-taking view ...
And so the infamous day came, it was September 16, 2019.
You cannot understand how beautiful it is if you have not lived it fully.

The warmth that emanates from the earth itself, the countless landscapes to visit from one coast to the other and the altruism of the people make the heart melt.

Here we are!
The house, small but at the same time welcoming… and it was a Dammuso, a typical local building.
And here we are walking around the narrow streets, however, the main street, Via Roma, is the hub of evening walks… including concerts, street-food, aperitifs and souvenirs.
Waking up at seven in the morning, my parents organized to visit the Cala Creta beach. Obviously beautiful! But that day our luck was against us as the wind was blowing so strong that the power of the sea was awakened.
In the afternoon, after having gone back and taken some photos of the various beaches, we found a beach with a lot of people. Those who took the sun, those who took to bathing and those who dedicated themselves to snorkelling.
Instead, we only swam a couple of times, the water was really wonderful, clear and crystalline, as was the sea at Cala Pulcino, Cala Croce and Cala Pisana.
But Lampedusa is also the Gateway to Europe, a real monument with engravings and drawings, in memory of the shipwrecked people lost at sea.
Don't miss the Isola dei Conigli, a real paradise on earth. Difficult to get there under the scorching sun, between leaping crickets and butterflies flying to keep us company on the way, but the beach is truly unique and with wonderful backdrops.

Also splendid is the boat trip with stops for swimming, among the company of huge but harmless jellyfish ... to discover beaches that are not otherwise accessible. Like Cala della Tabaccara ... nicknamed the cove of flying boats due to the fact that the water surface is transparent and it seems as if the boats are suspended ... it attracts tourists from all over the world. Oriental people included.
Even saying goodbye to Lampedusa remains among the memories ... the flight gave us unique emotions !!

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