
Coat of arms of Accumoli
Accumoli is one of three Italian municipalities bordering three different regions from that of the region to which it belongs. Those borders are Abbruzzo, Marche and Umbria. It is located north east of Rome, on the Via Salaria, in the valley of the river Tronto. The Via Salaria was built by the Emperor Nerva in the 96 AD to bring the salt from Rome to the Sabina. In the Middle Ages this area was under the control of the Abbey of Farfa.

The urban centre was founded in the twelfth century when the Kingdom of Naples decided to bring together the towns of the valley into a single fortified place that participated in the Sicilian Vespers.

In 1200 the University of Accumoli was founded as a way to redistribute rights and land rents.

In 1500 the fortress was transformed into a Renaissance Cappello Palace.
In 1643, Accumoli was sold for a short period to the Medicis, but later returned to the kingdom of Naples to whom it remained tied until 1860.

Typical products 

The 'Nociata' or 'Copeta' is a typical sweet made of nuts, hazelnuts and honey. Its origins are linked to Neapolitan cuisine and Accumoli was prt of the...

The Grass Pea of Accumoli (Cicerchia) is cultivated in a plateau at at about 850 meters above sea level.  This wild legume prefers highland and grows in...


Accumoli is inside the Gran Sasso National Park and Monti della Laga and is crossed by a panoramic road connecting the park with the Gran Sasso massif and the...

The second Sunday of November at Accumoli is held an exhibition and Equine Review Meeting for the TPR Horse (fast heavy draft horse)

Naturalistic museums 

Palazzo Cappello in Accumoli is home to the Nature Museum of the National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga. The museum is an information point and has...
Architecture and monuments 

The walls of Accumoli, with guard towers, were the most powerful medieval monument of the town. They were 2,770 m long and surrounded the whole town which was...

Palazzo Cappello in Accumoli is a five-story building built in the seventeenth century in phases.  The original part is in square stones with monumental...

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