
Coat of arms of Serrone
Serrone is located east of Rome, on the slopes of Mount Scalambra overlooking the Sacco Valley. It owes its name to 'serroni' i.e. the steep slopes of the Ernici mountains. Historically, it has been a place more for military posts and monasteries than for a social life.

Its origins are very old and date back to the Ernici who built cyclopean (polygonal) walls around the town before being defeated by the Romans in 306 BC. The walls are visible in the hamlet of San Quirico and are typical of towns in this part of southern Lazio.

In the third century AD the Romans arrived, and in the area called 'Grotte' built several villas that remained active until the fall of the empire.

The early medieval settlements on the slopes of Mount Scalambra were favoured by the presence of the main road that connected Rome to Subiaco and Abruzzo and in the sixth century  the first settlement arose.

Serrone was an ideal place for meditation and the search for spirituality. San Benedetto apparently built the cloister dedicated to 'San Michele Arcangelo' in early 600s when he retired in contemplation, with three crows, under the mountain. In a rock  a hand print is still visible that could belong to the saint.
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After the fall of Rome, the population sought refuge in the hills to escape the Barbarians and Saracens and remained under the protection of the Abbey of Subiaco. In fact the Barbarians did capture Serrone which was then ruled by Odoacer of the Heruli and Theodoric of the Ostrogoths.

In 756 Charlemagne gave Serrone to the pope and Serrone entered the nucleus of the future Papal States administered by the Benedictine monks of Subiaco.

The first document dates back to 1085 when Serrone was declared a Castrum and put under the protection of the Abbey of Subiaco, which was again a great feudal power. The document states that a certain Trasmodo of Paliano gave all of Serrone lands to the Monastery of Saint Benedict of Subiaco.

The Castrum of Serrone is a castle built on a square plan with the role to defend the territory. With feudalism Pope Gregory IX put Serrone under the rule of the Counts of Segni, his grandchildren. Later, the family Colonna took over thanks to another pope, Martin V, Oddone Colonna of Genazzano. In 1569 Serrone entered the Paliano principality established by the Pope after the victory over the Turks at Lepanto by Marcantonio Colonna. In the sixteenth century, during a period of prosperity, churches and villages of 'La Forma' and 'San Quirico' were re-arranged along the slope of the Mountain. The Colonna family ruled Serrone until the arrival of Napoleon's troops in 1799 when the castle was destroyed by gunfire.

Serrone is the best place to experience the thrill of flying by paragliding or hang gliding, jumping from Mount Scalambra at three different heights.

From just about anywhere in Serrone, from the old town up to the castle (Colonna Tower), there are magnificent views across and up and down the valleys leading south and up towards Rome.

Each Christmas there is a large full sized Presepe display in the old town with over 150 ‘participants’ representing life in Ciociaria acca Bethlehem. Visitors should also seek out the Theatrical Costume museum near the top of the old town.



Typical products 

The EVO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil of Serrone is well renowned for its soft taste and healthy properties. Rosciola is 'cultivar' species with small juicy...

The Serrone Donut (Ciambella di Serrone o Ciambella Serronese) is considered a symbol of wealth and a hope of prosperity. According to local traditions,...
Typical Dishes 

The Pataccaccia Pasta is the local name that indicates the traditional local pasta in Serrone made with water, flour and salt. The dough is rolled with a...
Typical Wines 

The Passerina IGT Frusinate is a delicate white wine typical of Serrone and the Frosinone area. Its fruity aroma and grace makes it perfect as an aperitif or...

Serrone is part of the Cesanese del Piglio DOCG wine area. Cesanese is a red grape wine whose vine is traced back to the Romans who had villas here and grew...

Special Experiences 

In Serrone, after the construction of the new church of La Forma in 1957, the old church has been used as a theatre. it has a capacity of about 90 seats,...

The village of La Forma is the largest of Serrone and stretches along the Via Prenestina. Its origins were in early 1700s and are due to the presence of a...

The bike path is 20 km long running from La Forma to reach Fiuggi. It stretches along the ancient route of the narrow-gauge railway that connected Rome to...

Like many municipalities in Lazio, in Serrone are the remains of ancient cyclopean or polygonal walls. Their name is derived from the size of the stones and...

Mount Scalambra, on Ernici, is 1420 meters high and is located between the valley of the Sacco and the Aniene Valley. In ancient times it was known as...

In the 3rd weekend of August, Serrone helds a festival dedicated to the Cesanese Wine. All the countryside and villages come alive with tastings of local...

In the splendid village of Serrone, coinciding with the night of San Lorenzo where all Italians scan the sky in search of shooting stars, an evening dedicated...

The Palio delle Botti (Game of Barrels) is a competition in Serrone in which a team of 5 people must roll a 500-litre barrel along a path between 600 meters...

The Rocca d'Oro Award (Premio Rocca d'Oro - Golden Castel) was started in 1989 and is awarded every year to about 20 people who have distinguished themselves...
Religious Celebrations 

Religious celebrations become a festival in Serrone on the occasion of the day dedicated to St. Michael Archangel. It starts with a pilgrimage to the...

The feast of the Queen of Peace takes place in Serrone on Mount Scalambra the first Sunday of August. The festival is linked to the Premio Internazionale per...

Churches & Places of Worship 

The church of St Quirico is a simple building in Serrone and was completed in 1607. It is adjacent to a building that was entrusted to the "Zoccolanti...

In Serrone there are two churches dedicated to St. Anthony of Padua at the beginning and end of the village: "ammonte" (on the mountain) and "Abballe" (in the...
Archaeological museums 

Serrone is the centre for management of the historical archives of the municipalities of Acuto, Paliano, Serrone and Piglio since 2001. The protection and...
Particular museums 

The Theatrical Costume Museum of Serrone is located in the upper part of the historical centre in premises equipped for shows. It is a collection of...
Architecture and monuments 

The stately Verzetti palace is located in the area of La Forma di Serrone. This was the favourite home of Maestro Manlio Steccanella who wrote "The...

San Quirico is a small village, and perhaps is the origin of the town of Serrone as here are the remains of its cyclopean walls. The walls bear witness to...


The Montanari of Scalambra (Mountain People of Scalambra), with sketches by the Architect Duilio Cambellotti, is a precious but unobtrusive book about...

All parts of the cycle of nature and also the feast of January 6 were created to celebrate an important moment in the life of plants. Although today we see...
Food & Wine 

There are three certified companies in Serrone that produce the delicious red wine Cesanese del Piglio DOCG and all are characterized by a strong link with...

The Monte Scalambra group of Serrone consists of about 25 players with several years of experience in the band. The group has participated in various types...

The Musical Band La Forma of Serrone was founded in 1959 by a group of friends who wanted to promote music in the town.  The first master was Paolino...
Special Places 

It is Thursday after Christmas on an early winter’s day in Serrone, in central Italy, with bright sunshine and a breeze blowing the leaves off the oak trees...

The museum of theatrical costume in the old town of Serrone is a small treasure-trove where the visitor can let imagination go free and ‘tread the boards’...

On February 20,  a press conference was held in Serrone to present dedicated to serving the needs of experiential travellers, those...

On July 2, the portal will receive the precious Rocca d’Oro Award in Serrone.On the occasion the Guide of Serrone, a volume of the Lazio...

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