Itri owes its importance to the passage of the Appian Way that from the fourth century BC connected Rome with Capua and finally with Brindisi. It was a necessary stop, a post station, and it soon became a vacation spot for the Roman patricians.
According to some, the name 'Itri' comes from the Latin "Iter" (trip).
Among the most interesting Roman testimonies is an ogival (gothic arch) drain that is seen supporting an ancient viaduct that crosses a stream below and a monumental arched entrance through the remains of a Roman villa.
The castle of Itri was built between the XI and XII centuries on top of a hill that dominated the Via Appia and was soon surrounded by a town. Built as a fortress to defend themselves from enemy attacks, the castle and the top of the village are surrounded by massive walls.
The medieval castle was devastated during World War II.
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