Special Experiences 

The women of Sezze have a particular reputation gained in the history of the city. In 1835 an author (Marocco) wrote in his work "Monuments and Churches of...

The Artichoke Festival of Sezze is one of the largest festivals in the province of Latina. It is a festival spread among the alleys and small squares of the...

Homage to Ficorapicca or Prickly Pear (Omaggio alla Ficorapizza) is a festival dedicated to food and wine and the folk traditions of Sezze in a setting of...

3 to 5 August: The streets of Sezze are filled with people for a festival dedicated to street artists. A way of experiencing the summer and the town life  in...
Religious Celebrations 

The Passion of Good Friday in Sezze is the historical re-enactment in costume of the Passion of Christ and episodes from the Bible. The origins of the Sezze...

Churches & Places of Worship 

Legend has it that Sezze was Christianized by Luke the Evangelist and that he dedicated a church where now stands Santa Maria. The present church of saint...

Meet Special People 

The story of the greatest discovery of dinosaur footprints in central Italy, in the Lepini Mountains near Sezze, starts accidentally. We are in 2003 and...
Special Places 

It is early April, the week of the Sagra del Carciofo (artichoke festivals) in central Italy, particularly in Lazio. On the rich soil flatlands near Latina,...

After the hangovers of tradition and Christmas holidays, I go back to cooking with what I find. Always remembering that it's cold outside and that I need to...

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