Città della Pieve. Churches of Jesus, Santa Maria dei Servi, St. Peter and St. Augustine

In front of the fortress is the Church of Jesus, made entirely of red brick and completed in 1798, it features a neoclassical facade where there are clear references to the view of the Church of Jesus in Rome designed by Vignola.

On the main altar is the "Simulacrum(representation) of the Dead Christ", a fifteenth wood carving and an object of special devotion.

The altar on the right houses the "Beheading of the Baptist" by Antonio Circignani (known as Pomarancio).

The Church of Santa Maria dei Servi is through the Porta Romana (Roman Gate) and dates back to the thirteenth century.

Together with the convent it was built by the Order of the Servants of Mary. It has undergone repeated renovations until the eighteenth century but conserves the typical conformation adopted by monastic orders characterized inside by a hall and a square apse with a cross-vault.

The church is now home to the Diocesan Museum and hosts, as well as what remains of the fresco by Perugino "Deposition from the Cross", an interesting collection of paintings religious subjects.

The Church of St. Peter, dating from the thirteenth century, is located on the edge of the ancient city walls, and has a beautiful view of Mount Cetona and Valdichiana, looking through the ancient Porta del Castello (Castle Gate).

Here he was located the Confraternita dei Disciplinati that in 1508 commissioned a Perugino fresco on the back wall dedicated to "Sant'Antonio Abate among the Saints Paul Eremita and Marcello". It was stripped from the wall and then transferred to canvas as a result of the severe earthquake 1861.

The Church of St. Augustine, built outside Porta Fiorentina (Florentine Gate) in the second half of the thirteenth century, is part of a great and ancient monastic complex. Inside, among the paintings, those of the Savini and Nicholas Circignani stand out.

Written by:
Benedicta Lee

Born in Rome from an Italian mother and American father, she works as a freelance communications manager and designer in the tourism sector, a career and interest which she is pursuing with a...


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