Ruins of Valvisciolo Abbey
Ruins of Valvisciolo Abbey

Carpineto Romano. Ruins of Valvisciolo Abbey

Valvisciolo Abbey was built in Carpineto Romano by three lay founders, it was inhabited for a short time by the Cistercian fathers.

According to tradition, the Cistercians abandoned the monastery in the early fourteenth century, to join the confreres of Sermoneta.

The Valvisciolo abbey area became the cause of conflict between the secular community.

Today, of the Valvisciolo Abbey only the ruins of a church tower remian, part of the abbey walls and the church in honour of St. Stephen Martyr.

Near the abbey one of the fishermen's pools has been reactivated, in which the brothers, who could not feed on meat, bred fish.

Lower down there are traces of the conduit of water of the Fota, from Roman times.

Written by:
Benedicta Lee

Born in Rome from an Italian mother and American father, she works as a freelance communications manager and designer in the tourism sector, a career and interest which she is pursuing with a...

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