Ventotene Lentils

Ventotene Lentils

The first crops of lentils in Ventotene Island dates from the early 1800s, but they were probably planted originally by the Romans.

The Ventotene Lentil has been included in the list of traditional products of Lazio.

This legume, the first to be cultivated and consumed by man as early as 5500 BC, was the staple food of the Greeks and Romans for its high nutritional value.

The name of the noble family of Lentuli comes from 'lens' (lentil in Romano).

Cato himself wrote some recipes, while Galen, a famous physician of the time, emphasized the therapeutic virtues.

Written by:
Benedicta Lee

Born in Rome from an Italian mother and American father, she works as a freelance communications manager and designer in the tourism sector, a career and interest which she is pursuing with a...

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