At the splendid setting of Villalago in the Park Hotel, right on the shores of Lake Scanno, was invited to a two-day deliberation on sustainability and promotion of small towns.
Even in Abruzzo, the green heart of Europe and the region where the first National Park was born, the phenomenon of depopulation of small towns has reinforced the strong need to enhance tourism in the local economy.
The model adapts perfectly to this situation and can help to create connections with the III and IV generation of emigrants abroad, as well as with experiential tourists. In Abruzzo there are about 1.5 million registered emigrants and as many millions of descendants from these emigrants, and it is these descendants who would like to visit their region of origin.
The two day of meetings was organized by the Ambiente e/è Vita association, recognized by the Ministry of the Environment, which manages 5 regional parks in Abruzzo.
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