The alliance between the tree of life and the olive tree Chiara Caterina Santangelo Category: Art & Architecture 11 March 2021 SICILIA • AGRIGENTO • Sciacca Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s It is said that the olive tree and the tree of life lived and were fuelled by the same energy and strength, but that for their values to be...
The popular theatre of Bellizzi's Zeza Carmelina Di Maio Category: Art & Architecture 11 March 2021 CAMPANIA • AVELLINO • Avellino Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The 'Zeza di Bellizzi' is a form of popular square theatre of ancient origins and takes its name from one of the characters, Zeza, and from the...
The enchanting Root Arts by master Bishwomver Lamichhane from Nepal Biplav Lamichhane Category: Art & Architecture 09 March 2021 Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Art is a worldwide language and expresses our own feelings in a beautiful and attractive way. It must have emotion and it should be near the truth...
Daniele Paris, musician and founder of the Frosinone Conservatory Storicamente Torre Category: Art & Architecture 12 February 2021 LAZIO • FROSINONE • Torre Cajetani Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Browsing the internet among the sites of the municipalities or on wikipedia you can always find something dedicated to the illustrious characters of...
Montevago, a scent of the future from Belice thanks to artistic murals Betty Scaglione Cimò Category: Art & Architecture 04 February 2021 SICILIA • AGRIGENTO • Montevago Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Saturday 6 January 1968, the last day of the Christmas holidays. Also that year I celebrated the Holy Epiphany in Montevago with my family. Mass at...
In Santa Maria a Monte, at the roots of the family of Galilean geniuses Renato Colombai Category: Art & Architecture 27 October 2020 TOSCANA • PISA • Santa Maria a Monte Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The beautiful village of Santa Maria a Monte, in the Lower Valdarno in the province of Pisa, paid homage to Vincenzo Galilei, Galileo's father, on...
July 4, 1442, a mystery still unsolved in Florence Antonella Zanotto Category: Art & Architecture 15 September 2020 TOSCANA • FIRENZE • Firenze Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s We are in Florence in the church of San Lorenzo created by Brunelleschi and great wish of Cosimo the Elder, the progenitor of the Medici...
Florences cathedral and skyline at sunset Florence, Brunelleschi and the mother of all domes Renato Colombai Category: Art & Architecture 12 August 2020 TOSCANA • FIRENZE • Firenze Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s An anecdote reveals the consideration that other great contemporary personalities of Brunelleschi had for his extraordinary dome. In fact, as...
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