Militello in Val di Catania. Archaeological area of Santa Maria la Vetere Benedicta Lee Category: Archaeological areas 22 September 2019 SICILIA • CATANIA • Militello in Val di Catania Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The archaeological area of Santa Maria la Vetere in Militello Val di Catania will surprise you with its beauty. It includes the Church of Santa...
Villa Adriana Tivoli. Villa Adriana Andrea Celani Category: Archaeological areas 05 April 2019 LAZIO • ROMA • Tivoli Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Villa Adriana in Tivoli was the residence of Emperor Hadrian, is a UNESCO World Heritage. It is one of the most visited archaeological sites in...
Vallo Latino Volsco Anzio. Vallo Latino Volsco DiscoverPlaces Category: Archaeological areas 14 December 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Anzio Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Vallo Latino-Volsco is a park near the Basilica of Santa Teresa which includes an area used in the period between the VIII - V century BC by the...
Bolsena. Archaeological area of Volsinii DiscoverPlaces Category: Archaeological areas 18 September 2018 LAZIO • VITERBO • Bolsena Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The archaeological area of Volsinii includes a vast area on which stood the ancient Roman city of Volsinii (now Bolsena), probably founded...
Ventotene. Archaeological Area of Villa Giulia Andrea Celani Category: Archaeological areas 10 August 2018 LAZIO • LATINA • Ventotene Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Archaeological Area of Villa Giulia of Ventotene includes the great Imperial Villa commissioned by Augustus for his vacation away from Rome. It...
Frascati. Tusculum Archaeological Area Benedicta Lee Category: Archaeological areas 19 February 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Frascati Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Located atop a hill with a wonderful view towards the sea, are the ruins of ancient Tusculum, a Latin, Roman and medieval city, razed in 1191 for...
Arce. Archaeological area of Fregellae DiscoverPlaces Category: Archaeological areas 14 February 2018 LAZIO • FROSINONE • Arce Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The ancient city of Fregellae was founded by the Romans in 328 BC. It was a Latin colony of the Roman Republic and it is a rare example of such...
Sacrofano. Archaeological site Mount Musino Benedicta Lee Category: Archaeological areas 14 February 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Sacrofano Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Mount Musino archaeological site is located in Sacrofano on top of the hill where there are the remains of the medieval fortifications and...
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