Vallepietra, the paths, the waters and the orchids Vallepietra, the paths, the waters and the orchids Tiziana Ilari Category: Special Places 30 March 2023 LAZIO • ROMA • Vallepietra Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Each of us has a place where "everything originated". Mine is Vallepietra, a small village between Lazio and Abruzzo, embraced by the Simbruini...
Talk to your pet on January 17, Feast day of Saint Anthony! Claudia Bettiol Category: Special Places 11 January 2023 Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Blessing the Animals is one of the most engaging religious events in the calendar and takes place on January 17, the day of the death of Saint...
Eraclea Minoa, a town and perhaps a little girl Milena Argento Category: Special Places 16 March 2021 SICILIA • AGRIGENTO • Cattolica Eraclea Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s They had come to that place by chance and, involved by their surroundings, they had abandoned themselves to the scent of the pines and the sea,...
Inside Molise with Colletorto in the heart, a cure for the soul Enzo Gentile Category: Special Places 11 March 2021 MOLISE • CAMPOBASSO • Colletorto Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s My Molise mother was from Molise. To be exact, from Colletorto. There as a child I spent my summers. I have childhood memories of those summers,...
Memories of Easter in Cattolica Eraclea Milena Argento Category: Special Places 17 February 2021 SICILIA • AGRIGENTO • Cattolica Eraclea Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s For Easter, the houses and squares were filled with young people who had returned home for the holidays. Holy Week, in Cattolica Eraclea in Sicily...
The traditional lunch of San Giuseppe in Cattolica Eraclea Milena Argento Category: Special Places 10 February 2021 SICILIA • AGRIGENTO • Cattolica Eraclea Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s In Cattolica Eraclea every 19th March the patron saint San Giuseppe (St Joseph) is celebrated with religious ceremonies but also with a particular...
Cubbata time in Cattolica Eraclea during Christmas Milena Argento Category: Special Places 08 February 2021 SICILIA • AGRIGENTO • Cattolica Eraclea Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s What could be sweeter when, as Christmas holidays approached in Cattolica Eraclea, you felt enveloped in an air that smelled of Cubbata? (almond... #discoverfoodandwine
Albano Laziale remembers the emperor Septimius Severus on 4 February Roberto Alessandrini Category: Special Places 05 February 2021 LAZIO • ROMA • Albano Laziale Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Every 4th February in Albano Laziale we celebrate the great emperor Septimius Severus, born in 193 and who died on this day in 211 AD at Eburacum...
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