Music and nature come together at the Living Museum of Memory in Colle San Magno: a journey to discover our deepest roots DiscoverPlaces Category: Music 27 May 2021 LAZIO • FROSINONE • Colle San Magno Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Music, Nature, Tradition, Faith and Folklore come together in an event to discover our deepest roots. These aspects of our life, together make up...
Acquafondata. City of Acquafondata Band DiscoverPlaces Category: Music 25 January 2019 LAZIO • FROSINONE • Acquafondata Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Acquafondata marching band was founded at the end of the nineteenth century and it performed during the inauguration tour of Vittorio Emanuele...
Anzio. Schola Cantorum (Singing School) DiscoverPlaces Category: Music 14 December 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Anzio Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Schola Cantorum of Anzio is formed inside the church of the SS. Pio and Antonio to sing during the religious celebrations. Today it is a chorus...
Colle San Magno. Lower Lazio Musicians Group Benedicta Lee Category: Music 20 November 2018 LAZIO • FROSINONE • Colle San Magno Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Colle San Magno is home to the Lower Lazio Musicians group, a band that re-introduces songs from the tradition of lower Lazio, combining ideas of...
Monte Porzio Catone. Polyphonic Choir San Gregorio Magno Benedicta Lee Category: Music 28 August 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Monte Porzio Catone Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Chorale St. Gregory the Great consists of over 60 singers and participates in the major liturgical celebrations of the parish and the musical,...
The world's most beloved Organ at Rocca Massima Claudia Bettiol Category: Music 13 August 2018 LAZIO • LATINA • Rocca Massima Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s There is an organ that all organ players want to play and it is located in Rocca Massima, a small village in the Lepini Mountains founded in 1202 by...
Ventotene. The music band Andrea Celani Category: Music 10 August 2018 LAZIO • LATINA • Ventotene Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The band of Ventotene was formed in 1985 and accompanies the social and religious life of the island of Ventotene. It is in the foreground during...
Guide to Music Festivals in Latina Province and at the seaside Andrea Celani Category: Music 03 August 2018 LAZIO • LATINA • Rocca Massima Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Pontine Land and Ciociaria of Latina are special places for music lovers, land with renowned culinary traditions and splendid views. Visiting...
Music and nature come together at the Living Museum of Memory in Colle San Magno: a journey to discover our deepest roots
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