The Pontine Land and Ciociaria of Latina are special places for music lovers, land with renowned culinary traditions and splendid views. Visiting the province of Latina is also an opportunity to discover the charm of the historical places and the musical traditions of which lower Lazio is rich.
The popular music festivals in the province of Latina are among the most important musical events in Italy and brighten up both the winter and the summer, giving lively performances to the public. On those occasions the players of bagpipes, pipes and ciaramelle (shawm), walking in the streets, spread music that is part of the unique local style throughout the picturesque villages.
Local folk groups also participate in folk music festivals, offering authentic, original, spontaneous interpretations, and invite the audience to dance with joyful vitality. Songs with tarantellas and saltarelli, joyful moments and engaging dances.
On the occasion of the classical music festivals, instead, the historical centres, the churches and the castles become the stage for concerts that let the magic of enchanting places live by immersion in music.
Here the classical music events bring together artists and music lovers and at concerts you can enjoy performances by orchestras and chamber ensembles that present premier performances and rarities.
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Picture by Cesare Galanti[/caption]
There are also special performances of classical music such as organ concerts that make this noble instrument better known and its repertoire brings the public closer to classical music in an original way. It is a musical genre with distant traditions and an immense organ heritage in many churches of lower Lazio.
In addition to participating in the concerts, most of which are free, during the popular and classical music festivals there are interesting experiences for the visitor. You can visit exhibitions-markets for traditional violin making where you can buy musical instruments, traditional objects, tools of pastoral use related to the world of bagpipes. You can get in direct contact with important violin and other musical instrument makers.
To get to know popular music up close, it is advisable to attend free seminars held by the expert players, while students of classical music can follow some courses taught by excellent teachers.
Among the other experiences that can be experienced during the festivals are latest news for younger artists, who have some performances and concerts with established artists.
In addition you can see documentaries, visit photographic exhibitions, participate in the presentation of books, meet writers who tell the story of the brigands in the territory of the lower Lazio region, go hiking, horse riding, donkeys, mountain biking in the Aurunci Mountains reaching the peaks to observe the flight of buzzards, and much more. What are you waiting for?
And now we leave for the trip to popular music and classical music festivals in the Pontine lands.
It is a list in no particular order, with a link to their detailed information for those who want to attend one of the performances.
Each festival is particular and different from the other. But each of them is worth experiencing at least once.
Popular Music Festivals
The Harmonic Mountain of Maranola di Formia and Gaeta
The Zampogna Festival of Maranola di Formia
Review of art and popular music in the Lazio region of Marina di Minturno
Festival of Popular Music of Minturno
Briganti Night Festival of Itri
Classical Music Festivals
Regina Music Festival of Maenza
Internazional Campus and Pontine Festival of Musica of Sermoneta
Festival of Pontine Orchestras of Aprilia
Music Festival of Fondi
Pontine Organ Festival of Fondi, Gaeta, Formia
International Organ Festival of Rocca Massima
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