May 10: Agreement with CHOSE of Tor Vergata

May 10: Agreement with CHOSE of Tor Vergata

We couldn’t stay away from our technical-scientific roots.

Here we are again in the laboratories of CHOSE, the Solar Campus of the University of Tor Vergata, founded about 10 years ago in an agreement with the Lazio Region. Our aim is to help foreign researchers visiting the labs to discover the beauties of Lazio.

The CHOSE laboratory is one of the major international centres on renewable energy and is attended by academics, industrialists and researchers from all over the world. There are people who stay just a few days but also people who stay several months.

It is to all of them that we will provide advice on the 'Top Things to Do' in the surrounding area and reveal all the events of each weekend: the food and wine festivals, the music and popular entertainment festivals.

To each foreign researcher we will give a volume of our 'Guide to the Italian Villages / Travellers' Guide to Italy' and we will be at their disposal to explain the wonders of our area.

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Discoverplaces is an organization born from the desire to promote small towns and Italian territories. Our mission is to create bridges between Italian descendants and the Italian Community of their...

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