Energitismo at National Conference of Six Sigma in Torino 2014

Energitismo at National Conference of Six Sigma in Torino 2014

Claudia Bettiol, President of Energitismo, has accepted an invitation to present at the Eleventh National Conference of Six Sigma in Turin on 22 March.

Six Sigma is the international organisation that seeks near perfection in manufacturing and supply of products. Six Sigma in Italy includes the top businesses, academic and research organisations that create leading Italian style, design, engineering and products. The overarching theme of this National Conference of Six Sigma is ‘Instruments and Strategies for the Success of Business’.

Claudia’s topic will be “Una Formula Innovativa di Aggregazione per le PMI” (‘An innovative Formula for growth of SMEs’) and she will present the Energitismo model to the leading business strategists from around Italy. She will use as examples organisations that are partners in Energitismo.

Other speakers include Ervino Riccobon – Direttore Competitività Prodotti e Processi – Ferrari SpA, Maranello and Alessandro Sciolari – Presidente di ARMESI: Agenzia per l’Innovazione Tecnologica del Sistema Italia. The objectives of Six Sigma include maximising attention to quality in all aspects of business. Business, particularly that involving industrial processes, is not just the design, engineering, production, release testing and distribution of products. It involves relational issues.

These include relations with suppliers to ensure quality and reproducibility of products plus ongoing viability of the commercial business of the supplier. Itinvolvesrelationswith the customer to ensure that products delivered are on time, of consistent quality and that the customer's business is commercially viable and able to meet its contractual obligations for payment.

Further,it involves relations with approval authorities, with taxation authorities, with business associations, with environmental authorities- particularly in the local area, with employee and associate groups, health and welfare authorities, and with the broadest aspects of society with which the business interacts.

The session on 22 March will be held at Centro Congressi Unione Industriale Torino, Via Fanti, 17. For further information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Written by:
Claudia Bettiol

Engineeer, futurist, joint founder of Energitismo and founder of Discoverplaces. Consultant for the development and promotion of the Touristic Development of Territories specialising in...

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