Yesterday we participated in an important event organized by Anci Lazio in collaboration with the Centro Documentazione e Studi dei Comuni Italiani (Documentation and Studies Center of the Italian Municipalities) on the Actuality of Luigi Sturzo which was held at the Piccolo Auditorium Aldo Moro Via Campo Di Marzio.
In the Piccolo Auditorium in the heart of Rome, the conference saw important speakers on stage, from the mayor of Nusco Ciriaco de Mita, to Dr. Nicola Marini, President ANCI LAZIO and Mayor of Albano Laziale, the coordinator of towns and villages of Lazio Francesco Chiucchiurlotto and Lucio Ubaldo, Director of CDSC.
On the occasion of this prominent event, Anci Lazio reprinted the speech by Sturzo in Caltanissetta in 1902 (municipal program) considered by historiography as the first organic contribution, not only of the Catholic side, to the rebirth of local autonomy in Italy after the process of political and administrative unification of the post-Risorgimento state.
The theme of the interventions was the role of municipalities in the socio-economic life of the country, a role that on the one hand is a garrison of the territory but on the other must also be that of stimulating Italian growth.
This is why we too were present and we play our side next to Anci Lazio in the tourist promotion of the municipalities telling their stories in the 'Amico Comune' radio transmission.
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