An afternoon at the faculty of Tourism for a seminar on "Collaborative marketing, co-marketing and business networks between operators of tourism, agriculture, catering in the municipalities of Lazio".
It all stemmed from the assignment of the responsibility for tourism to the Minister of Agriculture and a new way of perceiving tourism. It puts the tourist at the centre with his needs and aspirations that are increasingly connected to the experiences with food.
In order to be attractive, a territory needs cooperation among all its operators.
Prof. Nicolò Costa, coordinator of the Degree in Tourism Sciences at University of Rome Tor Vergata, moderated the debate. While Giorgio de Rossi, Roma Tor Vergata University, spoke about the experience of business networks between agriculture and tourism and how to improve public tenders.
Speakers were Carlo La Rotonda, Business Networks Confindustria, Sara Paraluppi, Director of the Regional Coldiretti of Lazio, Claudio Dell'Accio Network Manager - Italian Inbound Networks, Marco Misischia Cna Tourism, Giuseppe Mammetti Arsial, representatives of industry and local authorities.
At the end of our short presentation we were invited to take part in the university program.
Great satisfaction!!
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