The small church of Saint Peter is located inside the historic centre of Montefiascone.
It was an integral part of the Benedictine monastery present since the Middle Ages although the current appearance is due to the eighteenth-century restructuring work.
In this historical period the monastery held the pharmacy of the village and was a point of reference for all the inhabitants.
The neoclassical façade is divided into two levels divided by a stringcourse and false columns (pilasters) and finishes with a triangular tympanum.
The entrance door has a simple frame and is surmounted by a triangular frieze.
The interior has a single nave with two carved altars. It ends with an altar carved with decorations and stuccos that surround a canvas attributed to Andrea Casali representing the Madonna with Child and Saints that dates back to the mid-eighteenth century.
The Madonna is seated on a throne, with the Child in her arms, between Sant'Anna, Santa Scolastica, San Luigi Gonzaga, San Francesco di Paola and San Nicola di Bari.
Near the choir, in an area that connected the church to the monastery.
There is a niche with frescoes from the fourteenth century that represent the Trinity and in the side walls are depictions of the Virgin and the Annunciation Angel.
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