The Living Jewellery documentary tells the story of the first photovoltaic necklace that is based on the life force of nature - photosynthesis. It is an object of beauty and leading edge of energy technology; but even more it is a dream and a challenge from a group of small businesses that wanted to impress the world and enter new markets.
The history of the necklace, Living Jewellery, is the epitome of how, by looking at the world differently, even small companies may be able to emerge and assert themselves internationally.
Three years ago we wrote the Manifesto of Energitismo urging companies to return to work with artists and artisans to create a new Renaissance. We started from the philosophy of collaboration between art and technology to create elegant and sustainable objects. Then our engineers’ minds prevailed and we went to work to put into practice what we envisaged.
Not having yet attracted a portfolio of enterprises ready to take the leap, we decided to ”take action” by going from one enterprise to another presenting the idea of creating a range of the best of the best in sustainable technology products that we could show to the public in a founding event with artists and artisans. But we needed a symbol. We took our cue from a phrase of the manifesto in which it is said that technology had become “jewels for our homes”, so we decided to create a real gem, an item of Living Jewellery.
We went with our poster and business cards to the Gold Fair of Vicenza and sought enterprises that would accept the challenge to create a real gem with mature leading edge Swiss and Australian technology, surprisingly not yet industrialized.
Many laughed or smiled, but D’Orica, an enterprise from Nove responded in the affirmative. The story of Daniela and Gianpietro Zonta is emblematic of the history of thousands of other Italian family-run businesses where the owners have put their heart and passion into what they do. This ‘atmosphere’ is perceived by their employees who share the risks and rewards and are happy to work and to follow the founders in the challenges they attempt.
Daniela and Gianpietro had just built the home of their dreams according to the KlimaHouse classification. Previously they had created their factory as a gem of energy efficiency (they also have a photovoltaic system on the roof) and were ready to compete again.
All of their employees were involved and helped to create this masterpiece of art and technology, LivingJewellery: the picture, reflected in the smiles of the people, evidences the joy of having accepted the challenge and having participated in the creation of something unique.
Energitismo exports this optimism to other companies and to other artists and in our Journal we tell the stories of the web of other great craftsmen who are worth exalting but are still unknown except in their local area. We are ready!
Thanks to all those who dream and thanks to those who still want to put into practice the dreams that small companies can amaze the world.
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