The desire to go out, to load everything and everyone in the car and to start traveling again.
The radio that sings a song that has become for us a symbol of rebirth, "Long live freedom". We sing it together happy, cheerful while for the first time in many days we go outside the borders of our town.
We no longer have our own cooking oil and so the direction can only be one: we decide to go to Vico nel Lazio to buy the only oil that our palate knows and recognizes.
Mum tells me that when she was as young as me, her grandfather always took her there, in that small but so beautiful town.
He took her for a walk inside those walls, among those alleys that still hold many good memories, those memories that mom told me with joy every time we walked along the narrow and clean streets of Vico to go looking for the house where my great grandfather was born .
Every time we got lost in time but in the end, traveling far and wide, from one entrance door to another, we always managed to find that small house made of white stone.
Usually the tour was always the same, we arrived we looked for a place to eat, we went to check that our olive grove was still in order, we would buy the delicious and irreplaceable Ernico Oil, we greeted our relatives and then we would leave to go home.
Today was a different day, we decided that to eat we would have to find a special place in the open air that could welcome us on such a special day.
[caption id="attachment_117848" align="center-block" width="750"] Picture by Luciano d'Abbruzzo[/caption]
Mama remembered that she had heard from a dear friend of hers with enthusiasm and passion of a Natural Oasis which was located right in the territory of Vico in Lazio.
We had time for a phone call and got ready to go to that special place and start a new discovery.
We parked the car and walked all four with backpacks on our shoulders to our destination.
We walked 2 kilometres on an enchanted path of beauty and nature, only our voices were heard, our joy, our happiness accompanied by the sound of birds, the cuckoo song and the greeting of some other travellers who, like us, are looking for a special place!
Luciano, that's the name of Mum's friend, had told us that we had to travel only 1 kilometre to get to his place, but we kept walking for much more until it occurred to us that perhaps we could have made the wrong path.
Because in front at a crossroads we were undecided whether to turn right or left and we left the choice to dad, trusting in his instinct as a great navigator.
We faced a long climb that didn't take us anywhere so we called Luciano who confirmed that the road was wrong !!
So yes dear dad we were right, once again!
We go back, my little sister is happy because for her who is only 4 years old, that ascent was very tiring and the descent was certainly easier to tackle.

We were finally going to arrive, in the distance we saw a mall donkey walking in that wonderful and well-kept forest. Then a cock crowed and the dog barked to warn that guests were about to arrive.
Luciano was waiting for us to welcome us as a good "good guardian of the forest" to welcome us to the house and to introduce us to all the inhabitants of that enchanted oasis, the Oasis of the Ernici.
He left us to eat with his family.
Our packed lunch began, mom was super organized but I noticed one particular thing, a black cat who came to welcome us.
I hope the saying is not true, and I hope that cat does not bring us bad luck. In order not to make a mistake, I silently start looking for a ladybug to try and balance the story of the black cat.

In a hurry, we tidied up, put things back in place and quickly returned to the car, now the forest protected us like a large umbrella against the drops that began to get stronger and stronger.
My little sister climbs into Dad's arms, I run quickly next to Mom, the sheets that we had to be used to lie on the lawn wrap us so as not to get wet, but in the end what do you want it to be ... it's just water and this is also part of the nature that we missed so much.
As soon as we got out of the woods it stopped raining and the sun came out, but by now it was getting late and we were all four wet but happy.
But in the end I was right, the black cat did not bring us luck. Or maybe yes I still have to decide this!
With today our future began a new page and we have decided to write it down from the heart, starting from our roots!
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