
Non ci sono parole per descrivere Roma. Se non l’avete mai vista, allora non perdete tempo e salite sul primo treno o aereo per trascorrere qualche giorno in uno degli ombelichi della storia dell’uomo.


“Next weekend you will be part of the jury of the Colosseum Award and you will have to choose the best of the 3 shows that we have already selected”, Mario...

If Colonne Infinite is the latest sculpture exhibition by Park Eun Sun, Amore Infinito is his connection with Pietrasanta in Tuscany where he is building his...
Meet Special People 

The Noble College of Goldsmiths, a fine name for an ancient institution. It is caretaker of the goldsmith’s art, a responsibility handed down till today under...
Special Places 

Love for Rome is overwhelming and it grew at school when one of our teachers divided the city into sections and each of us had to investigate a certain...

One of the most beautiful and exciting meetings of recent times, this was the work session led by Josep Ejarque within the preparation tables of the new...

This week we received a request from a group of young Chinese high school students, who are coming on a trip to Italy, to come and visit the company and do a...

A difficult morning, the scorching city summer temperatures, and not enough motivation to go to the market. I’m still in the city, but by looking on social...

May Day is the Workers' Day with concerts in the square and seminars, but for the Romans it means making the “trip out of city’s gate”, that is, in the...
Discover Rome 

Along with the roads, the aqueducts were the great engineering works with which the Romans amazed the world. From 312 BC they built eleven aqueducts to feed...

The Torlonia family is a family of recent nobility, which in the 19th century became the richest family in Rome. The rise began with Giovanni Torlonia...

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