Jan 12: At the Casa del Lago for the Slow Tourism Conference

Jan 12: At the Casa del Lago for the Slow Tourism Conference

We Discoverplaces were there too at the 2019 Conference of Slow and Sustainable Tourism, organized by the XII Comunità montana (mountain community) at one of its information points, the wonderful Casa del Lago in Trivigliano on the shores of Lake Canterno with the snowy Ernici Mountains in the background. The territory of the Monti Ernici and Simbruini was the district at the center of the conference.

The conference had in its program a number of meetings from morning until 5 in the afternoon. There has been talk of a territory rich in naturalistic and monumental beauties, of the most beautiful and famous abbeys in the world, of a center of very high hospitality, of its wines, of its oil and of many excellent products.

We had the pleasure of listening to the interesting speech by Gianni Bastianelli, E.N.I.T. Executive Director National Tourism Agency which confirmed our thesis on sustainable tourism. The director Bastianelli spoke of tourism as a contributing factor for the development of the territory and its resources, and of a new and growing attention to rural communities.

"In 2017 Italy has exceeded Spain by the number of tourists from abroad, air travelers arriving in Italy have grown. The year 2017 was the year in which Italy had more tourism since the post-war period.

Foreign tourists are coming to Italy, and a large number coming from Asia and choose Rome, Florence, Venice. They are attracted to Italianity and all that is Italian design. If the tourist wants to visit museums then choose Rome.

In this territory we are between two important centers such as Rome and Naples. The area of Ciociaria offers many different attractions. We must meet the needs of foreign tourists who come to Italy. They want to know something more about Italy than they have yet seen.

For tourists, the appearance of the front office and the reception within the receptive structures should be of a high standard. This is what Italians are missing, and that is what tourists are looking for from Italians. It makes them feel welcome guests, they are happy to have received this welcome.

It is not a simple industry of smiles, it is something structural, a way of behaving, having attention to small things, sensitivity and love for their places. Until the administrations fail to convey to all citizens this structural and cultural aspect they will not be able to seize this opportunity. Tourism brings excellence.

We must highlight what we have such as landscapes and food and wine. Furthermore, nobody can copy our traditions and this is an aspect in which Italy has no rivals.

Today's tourism is linked to hiking, nature, sustainability, psycho-physical well-being. Tourism now wants nature: the lake, the mountains, the snow, the green but also the historical centers.

The sport activity that could be done in the mountains is cycling, biking. What are the numbers of summer mountain tourism? An impressive number of tourists come to experience mountain cycling in the summer in Italy. The mountain race exists only in the north of Italy, but for example nobody knows that one hour from Rome you can go rafting!

This is because we do not know how to give important tourist information. We must think about what is important not for us, but for tourists. Either we all win together or we lose all together. There are potentials in the territory that did not exist until 10 years ago".

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