15 July: "Art Safari" in the Cesanese Territory

15 July: "Art Safari" in the Cesanese Territory

What a great emotion to be in the evocative Sala della Ragione in Anagni to present an APP that guides you through a game to discover our beautiful towns!

It all started thanks to the Strada del Cesanese with Nino Borgia who falls in love with the Safari d’Arte project (http://www.safaridarte.it) of the Ara Macao Association, which has already been successfully tested in other cities.
"Why not do it in the municipalities of the Cesanese road?"
No sooner said than done.

From today, the Art Safari APP can be downloaded (http://www.safaridarte.it/app/) with itineraries in the municipalities of Anagni, Acuto, Affile, Paliano, Piglio and Serrone.

An invitation to share it all but also to taste more and more the quality of Cesanese wines which has reached levels of absolute pleasure.
Walking through the historic center of Anagni it is now possible to meet wine bars with expert staff who guide you in an intriguing way to discover the wine and the territory.

The young people are prepared, they have studied and they want to grow together with their town.

The link between businesses and the territory is the real strength we have in Italy and strengthening this connection is what can transform the tourist boom of the smaller territories into permanent wealth and true sustainable development.
This is why we have created the Discoverplaces Network in which we help companies to do marketing in connection with their territory, to understand how to exploit our history and grow together (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

We were very pleased to meet Carlo Zucchetti, another active protagonist in the promotion of our territory and the Cesanese, author with Pasquale Pace of the Enogastronomic Guide "The Places of the Cesanese".

But back to the Treasure Hunt and to this project that has now become a reality. As the mayor of Anagni Daniele Natalia rightly said, we will all have to actively promote it and the municipality will put it on its website to invite citizens and tourists to download it.

Our strength is in our past and we will be able to build a sustainable future if we know how to understand it and if we are committed to filling our weaknesses by learning to welcome Italian and international tourists.

Obviously it all ended with a tasting of some of the best Cesanese wines, from the cured meats of Fausto Minori di Serrone that I will never cease to thank and a taste of one of the symbols of Anagnina cuisine: the Timballo alla Bonifacio VIII.




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Discoverplaces is an organization born from the desire to promote small towns and Italian territories. Our mission is to create bridges between Italian descendants and the Italian Community of their...


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