Rocca Priora Castelli Romani chestnut honey
Rocca Priora Castelli Romani chestnut honey

Castelli Romani chestnut honey

A honey that smells of the famous chestnut trees of the Castelli Romani Park, this is the honey of the Dandini beefarming in Rocca Priora.

The secret of its scent and taste is precisely the quality of the air and vegetation that you breathe in the park.

Alessio is a beekeeper who has chosen to continue the tradition of his father who has been raising bees in the woods around his village since 1977.

Their honey production started in 2003 and to date they have around 50 beehives spread across the park to produce different types of honey.

After sucking the nectar from the flowers, the bees work it with saliva and place it inside the honeycombs of the cells. When the bees believe that the honey is ripe and has the right humidity, they close it with a layer of wax and at that point it is ready.

Alessio and Nadia collect it by removing the veil of wax, separate it thanks to a centrifuge and leave it to mature for 10 days to remove impurities.

In addition to chestnut, wildflower and acacia honey produced in the woods of Valmontone is available because acacia is a tree found at lower altitudes.

Alessio recommends acacia honey and wildflower honey on a more delicate cheese, such as ricotta, while chestnut honey is suitable for a more mature cheese because it has a more decisive taste.

You can find honey by contacting Alessio or in the shops of Rocca Priora.

Rocca Priora, Miele di Castagno dei Castelli Romani


Apicoltura Dandini
via dei savelli 117
O0079 Rocca Priora (RM)
Tel 339 2751600

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