The scent of wood-fired bread and Ciociari biscuits can be enjoyed walking through the historic center of Paliano and going to visit the Antiche Bontà bakery.
The Piacentini family has been feeding the Palianesi with its bread for three generations, before the oven was right in the historic center while today it has moved to the Cimate area and has opened a store right on the main street.
In addition to bread and pizza, you can find typical Ciociari sweets such as lemon biscuits or those covered in chocolate.
Do not miss the spelled biscuits, low in sugar and suitable for diets.
The Antiche Bontà Bakery was awarded the Natura in campo brand by the Lazio Region.
Panificio Antiche Bontà
Via Cavour
Tel 333 302 5738
Fb @PanificioAnticheBonta · Cibo e bevande
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