Drumming up Style in Modern Furniture Tulloch Category: Thoughts in Universe 16 January 2017 VENETO • VICENZA • Vicenza Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Stylish modern furniture is the dream of most, but what is style? Fabio Scapin is an artisan of stylish modern furniture, a metalworker, and a...
Pragmatism of falling, or 'the bricklayer's story' Tulloch Category: Thoughts in Universe 16 January 2017 Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s For the student of pragmatism, falling is the perfect activity to differentiate an optimist from a pessimist. The optimist steps off the edge of a...
A chair has changed my life: LES FIRST the Chair Marcomini Category: Lifestyle 16 January 2017 Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s "The circumstances in which I found myself during the creation and development of LES FIRST the Chair clearly demonstrate that this novel and unique...
Why gondoliers sing so well Tulloch Category: Thoughts in Universe 16 January 2017 VENETO • VENEZIA • Venezia Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s It may be the most popular tourist resort in the world with towering cruise ships parked at one end, and the Grand Canal absolutely filled with...
Claudia Bettiol is 50 Tulloch Category: Lifestyle 16 January 2017 Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The founder and president of Energitismo, Claudia Bettiol has reached the age of elegance, 50 years, and she is still smiling.In these few years,...
One of our 42 favourite books: “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams Tulloch Category: Thoughts in Universe 16 January 2017 Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s “42” has become the answer to every question since Adam’s great book of highways, whales and journalists was granted to us. Whether you listened to...
Greeks Bearing Gifts - Revival of the Parthenon Tulloch Category: Thoughts in Universe 16 January 2017 Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s There is no doubt as you travel throughout the Mediterranean and the Levant of the great treasures that the classical Greeks created. From the...
Painting and baking in the sun - decorators of ceramics Tulloch Category: Thoughts in Universe 16 January 2017 VENETO • VICENZA • Nove Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The second weekend in March, late winter on two balmy global warming days, saw the Italian Cross Country Championships in the centre of decorators...
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