The new regional law on tourism was published on May 24 and is already showing its innovativeness. Thanks to the work of Councilor Valentina Corrado, the Lazio Region increasingly assumes a strategic coordinating role to look after the image of our territories above all to get to the heart of the end customer.
We are aware that we are in competition with the world and that many European regions have been taking care of their identity and therefore their image for years to get straight into the dreams of travelers. It is the emotion that drives us to choose one location instead of another and the identity of Lazio has always been hardly recognizable and often in competition with that of Rome.
The results were a short stay for tourists in the capital, with an overcrowding of a few representative monuments, and a de facto marriage between Rome and the countryside of Umbria and Tuscany to the detriment of the Roman and Lazio countryside.
In the main tourism fairs, Rome and Lazio had two stands far apart that appeared almost in competition (as opposed to the Veneto which as a claim in fairs is often defined as 'the region of Venice').
A first sign of the change of pace was the presentation of the Lazio promotion video edited by the Satchi & Satchi agency ( in which the emperors of Imperial Rome are placed in relation with the territories of Lazio through their country villas. An emotional, modern and ironic spot that makes all those who choose our Lazio villages feel important.
With this law, Lazio finally recognizes the fundamental role of tourism and assumes the role of orchestra director by choosing the lines of intervention to increase the visibility and competitiveness of the Lazio destination and to promote a harmonious and balanced development of the various existing territorial offers. in the area'.

1. Tuscia and Maremma Laziale
2. Coast of Lazio
3. Tiber Valley
4. Sabina and Monti Reatini
5. Aniene Valley and Simbruini Mountains
6. Castelli Romani
7. Monti Lepini and Agro Pontino
8. Ciociaria
9. Rome Metropolitan City.
An entire article is dedicated to the role of Destination Management Organizations - DMOs which had already been financed with a regional tender and which have now become operational.
With the DMO Alta Ciociaria (leader of the municipality of Fiuggi) we participated in Ferentino in the provincial meeting that the regional councilor for tourism and local authorities Valentina Corrado organized to talk about our future strategic role.
DMOs are called upon to 'design integrated tourism products, reach new market segments, implement sustainable tourism policies, support the development of innovative companies, attract international investors and coordinate the development projects of the Destination Tourist Areas'.
In the new law, the Lazio Region has provided for the establishment of a participation foundation called DMO which will have to coordinate the work of all the other DMOs active in the region.
Professional training is also dealt with in a special section and we have already talked about it in an article on the Professional Institute on Tourism, a post-graduate course that was presented in Olevano Romano and includes all the operators of this area among the founders. horse between the province of Rome and the Other Ciociaria.
Now that we have finally become operational and can begin to promote our areas of expertise, we must integrate with the regional image and present ourselves in a coordinated manner at the next international tourism fairs in order to intrigue and excite tour operators, travelers and tourists.
It will be a new but certainly challenging and exciting path that we can't wait to undertake.
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