Tourism video pills - part 39

Tourism video pills - part 39

With roots you are born, with those of the heart you grow.

Today Monica Casini guides us to discover Civitella Alfedena.

A village of which it is not original, but which it has learned to love over the years immediately after discovering its wonders with its father-in-law.

A country immersed in the nature of deep Abruzzo and, after seeing it, it is not difficult to understand how Monica is madly in love with it. A bond acquired by his family, which he cultivated over the years marked by the passing of the seasons, which does not age the love for his "Civitella".

My town is a love letter to the traditions, life and nature of a village that embodies the Italian spirit of our small towns.

Roots that we must rediscover, and we must know in order to start living again ...


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Discoverplaces is an organization born from the desire to promote small towns and Italian territories. Our mission is to create bridges between Italian descendants and the Italian Community of their...

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