Nov 3-4 Festival of the Callarrosta (Chestnuts)

Nov 3-4 Festival of the Callarrosta (Chestnuts)

A weekend of celebrations dedicated to the fruit of Castagna, or Callarrosta, the undisputed queen of autumn, in one of the most picturesque villages of Lepini, Carpineto Romano.

A festival to say the least engaging, made in part by the spirit of Carpinetani that take to the streets every time and above all love their country to madness, but also by the various shows and the kindness of exhibitors present who, for the occasion, have dressed their stand with the most varied food and wine products, lots chestnut themed and many others a bit 'special' such as the spreadable beer, which we honestly had never come to know but we are pleased to have now done so.

After these two days of celebration, how could we never return when the opportunity arises again? An experience that we recommend to anyone who wants to spend an evening in the company of good food, great traditions and beautiful people, strangers or not! To close, we quote the words of a friend from Carpineto, who once it came to a certain time, and the fourth bag of chestnuts, told us "when we celebrate in Carpineto Romano we do not come back home before six o'clock the next day", we are sorry admit that they were right.

Written by:
Benedicta Lee

Born in Rome from an Italian mother and American father, she works as a freelance communications manager and designer in the tourism sector, a career and interest which she is pursuing with a...

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