Trekking around Montefiascone Andrea Celani Category: Trekking 29 November 2018 LAZIO • VITERBO • Montefiascone Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The countryside around Montefiascone is particularly fascinating and offers many paths for those who love to discover nature slowly and all its...
Trekking and MTB Jenne. Trekking and MTB Claudia Bettiol Category: Trekking 24 November 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Jenne Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Simbruini mountains are crossed by a dense network of paths of varying difficulty which can be traveled on foot or by mountain bike. From Jenne...
Colle San Magno. Monte Cairo trekking Benedicta Lee Category: Trekking 19 November 2018 LAZIO • FROSINONE • Colle San Magno Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s There are many trails that start from and arrive at Monte Cairo, with its famous beech woods close to the summit, and you can do countless hikes and...
Colle San Magno. Saint Benedict’s Way Benedicta Lee Category: Trekking 19 November 2018 LAZIO • FROSINONE • Colle San Magno Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Colle San Magno is the final stage of the Cammino di San Benedetto (Saint Benedict’s Way),. The path that, from Norcia, passing through Subiaco,...
Ring Trekking Marano Equo. Ring Trekking Claudia Bettiol Category: Trekking 16 November 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Marano Equo Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s For trekking lovers and mountain experts, from Marano Equo it is possible to walk along a circular route to discover the beauties of the Ruffi...
Trekking Mount Costasole Marano Equo. Trekking Mount Costasole Claudia Bettiol Category: Trekking 16 November 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Marano Equo Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Da Marano Equo è possibile raggiungere la vetta del monte Costasole, il più alto della catena dei monti Ruffi a quota 1253 metri slm. Il sentiero...
Proceno. Stridolone Stream Benedicta Lee Category: Trekking 02 October 2018 LAZIO • VITERBO • Proceno Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The territory of Proceno straddles the valley of the river Paglia and that of the Stridolone stream, a particularly splendid watercourse due to its...
Proceno. Path of the Brigands Benedicta Lee Category: Trekking 02 October 2018 LAZIO • VITERBO • Proceno Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s In Proceno, the path of the Brigands is a trail that traces the footsteps of the brigands who were in this area during the nineteenth century. The...
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