ph Claudia Bettiol Casalvieri. Tracciolino road DiscoverPlaces Category: Trekking 14 August 2018 LAZIO • FROSINONE • Casalvieri Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The ‘tracciolino’ is an old Bourbon road that communicates Val Cominoand Casalvieri with Roccasecca plain It is also called ‘Canyon’ for wild...
Tolfa. Archeotrekking Benedicta Lee Category: Trekking 16 July 2018 LAZIO • ROMA • Tolfa Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Archeo-trekking in Tolfa involves a walk in a path that combines nature, history and archeology. The path passes through the Etruscan-Roman temple...
Sermoneta. Ancient roman consolar way and the Via Francigena Benedicta Lee Category: Trekking 10 July 2018 LAZIO • LATINA • Sermoneta Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Ancient roman consolar way follows an ancient path of the Volsci on the Lepini mountains that connected the north and the south avoiding the...
Norma. South Francigena way DiscoverPlaces Category: Trekking 09 July 2018 LAZIO • LATINA • Norma Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Francigena way was the ancient route followed by pilgrims from northern Europe to arrive in Rome at the tomb of Saint Peter and then continue...
Contigliano. Way of St. Benedict Benedicta Lee Category: Trekking 29 June 2018 LAZIO • RIETI • Contigliano Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The abbey of San Pastore in Contigliano is one of the stops along the Way of St. Benedict, which follows the path walked by the saint during his...
Contigliano. Path of St. Francis Benedicta Lee Category: Trekking 29 June 2018 LAZIO • RIETI • Contigliano Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Contigliano is crossed by the path of St. Francis that traces its life in the Sacred Valley of Rieti. It is incorporated into the longest way of St...
Alvito. Val Comino with 120 km of trails for horses e mountain biking and trekking DiscoverPlaces Category: Trekking 15 June 2018 LAZIO • FROSINONE • Alvito Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s This is a new experience for all those who love outdoor activities in uncontaminated areas where history and nature merge. We are talking about Val...
Cassino. Route of the Battle of Cassino Claudia Bettiol Category: Trekking 21 March 2018 LAZIO • FROSINONE • Cassino Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The route of the Battle of Cassino is located inside the Natural Monument of Montecassino, a protected area of about 700 hectares where ancient...
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