Gnocchi al Sugo di pecora
Gnocchi al Sugo di pecora

Vico nel Lazio. Gnocchi with Sheep Sauce

Gnocchi with sheep sauce are one of the typical dishes of the Ciociara tradition and of the charming village of Vico in Lazio.

In a land where many men traditionally devoted themselves to sheep farming and traversing the trails of seasonal flock movement, they could not miss traditional sheep-eating dishes.

Two festivals are dedicated to gnocchi with sheep sauce in Vico nel Lazio: in May with the Madonna del Campo Festival and in August during the Festival of the Return.

Gnocchi, made from local potatoes and shaped by hand. They are seasoned with macerated and cooked sheep meat with garlic, onion, laurel, juniper, oil, parsley and tomato.

Gnocchi are then sprinkled with seasoned sheep cheese or Parmesan cheese.

Written by:
Benedicta Lee

Born in Rome from an Italian mother and American father, she works as a freelance communications manager and designer in the tourism sector, a career and interest which she is pursuing with a...

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