Aleatico Gradoli DOC Wine is a dessert wine made with aleatico red grapes produced in the towns of Gradoli, Grotte di Castro e San Lorenzo Nuovo.
These grapes are among the 5 Italian variety of aromatic grapes and the taste of the wine is particularly intense and exclusive.
Aleatico Gradoli is in the version sweet red passito, and a sweet, fortified version as Gradoli Liquoroso. The Liquoroso Riserva is aged in barrel for two years from point of fortification and a further one year in bottle.
Viticulture in the Lake Bolsena area developed since the Etruscan period thanks to the microclimate of the lake. The cultivation of the vine had a major expansion with the Romans and continued uninterrupted so that in 1627 Tassoni in ‘De’pensieri diversi' mentions it among the tasty wines.
The Aleatico of Gradoli was presented in 1861 at the Esposizione Italiana Agraria, Industriale e Artistica of Florence. In 1929 the Cantina Oleificio Sociale di Gradoliwas founded and the wine has won the domestic and international markets.
Awards include in 1932 at the Fiera del Levante in Bari, in 1934 the Show dell'Agricolture in Florence, in 1937 International Exposition in Paris, in 1938 at the Tripoli International Fair, in 1971 Exhibition of wines in Malta, in 1971 in Siena, and in 2004 in Rome.
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