D'Orica Turns 25

D'Orica Turns 25

On Wednesday 24 September, D’Orica held a ‘safety day’ with the stated aim to protect the future of the company, its staff and associates.

Our lessons in safety fromD'Orica commenced with a visit to the library of the High School of Art in Nove where we were confronted by a large sign thanking all for getting D’Orica to 25 years.

The poetic feast arrayed for us at the buffet seemed initially more attuned to restraint of excessive consumption, than to caution in the workplace; but then we were soon to realise that a safe stomach makes for willing and safe hands and keen ears. Daniela recited the 6 rules for an ideal life - sustainability, love, passion, respect, perfection, community - and presented these in the form of six feasts of the buffet.

In true Zonta D'Orica tradition we were then seated in the school hall and fed a short lesson with examples on the subject of the role of safe minds in happy living – given by Michele Dotti.

Two things were apparent to the two staff members and Federico Zonta, who had known D'Orica at its formation 25 years ago. Both founders, Giampietro Zonta and Daniela Racconello, had grown decidedly younger in the years of breeding and feeding D'Orica. The fruit of eternal youth and happiness may have been found hidden in the Doricas, those precious tiny gold spheroids that form the heart of D'Orica goldsmithing and the resultant jewellery – created each one by the hands of the ladies of D'Orica.

To round out the day, the D'Orica team were each thrown (and caught) a safety cushion to balm the effects of long hours at the workbench and to provide comfort at future safety days. ’Gold’ name labels were handed out to help each to remember the other at work and play, while sponsorships were given to promote healthy living necessary to prepare all for their future of happy labour.

Cheers to Giampietro and Daniela, and to D'Orica.

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