Aquaduct Anio Novus Tivoli. Aquaduct Anio Novus Andrea Celani Category: Archeotourism 05 April 2019 LAZIO • ROMA • Tivoli Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The aqueduct Anio Novus dating back to 38 B.C.. It was built by Caligula along the Via Empolitana, running from Tivoli, it passes through Castel...
Catillo Nature Reserve Tivoli. Catillo Nature Reserve Andrea Celani Category: Wildlife Areas 05 April 2019 LAZIO • ROMA • Tivoli Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The Catillo Reserve in Tivoli is a place where two different ecosystems overlap and it has a great and valuable floral diversity. The variety of...
Church of Santa Maria Maggiore Tivoli. Church of Santa Maria Maggiore DiscoverPlaces Category: Churches & Places of Worship 05 April 2019 LAZIO • ROMA • Tivoli Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s La chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore a Tivoli è conosciuta anche come ‘di San Francesco’, ed è stata costruita per volere di papa Simplicio. Era...
Cathedral of San Lorenzo Tivoli. Cathedral of San Lorenzo Andrea Celani Category: Churches & Places of Worship 05 April 2019 LAZIO • ROMA • Tivoli Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The cathedral of San Lorenzo or the cathedral of Tivoli was built in medieval times and is famous for its beautiful Romanesque bell tower 45 meters...
Tivoli. Roman Temple of the cough Andrea Celani Category: Archeotourism 05 April 2019 LAZIO • ROMA • Tivoli Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s Its history of the temple of the cough of Tivoli is not known precisely. From a tombstone it seems that the building dates back to the time of...
Campagnano di Roma. Church of Gonfalone Andrea Celani Category: Churches & Places of Worship 03 April 2019 LAZIO • ROMA • Campagnano di Roma Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The church of Gonfalone ("Chiesa del Gonfalone") is located in the town square and is one of the most interesting churches in Campagnano di Roma...
Albano Laziale. Roman Villa of Pompeo in Cavallacci DiscoverPlaces Category: Archeotourism 02 April 2019 LAZIO • ROMA • Albano Laziale Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s The area of Albano Laziale was known for the villas of Roman patricians who sought shelter from the summer heat of Rome and wanted their residence...
Albano Laziale. Sepulchre of the Selvotta DiscoverPlaces Category: Archeotourism 02 April 2019 LAZIO • ROMA • Albano Laziale Share Share share with Whatsapp powered by social2s In the Selvotta area of Albano Laziale, on the border with Ariccia, there is one of the most important burial sites of the Second Partic...
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